The new art gallery seeks to revalue the area with cultural initiatives and commitment to its natural environment.
The gallery has an annual program that combines historical and contemporary exhibitions in all disciplines and media, in its own 500-square-meter space. Surrounded by hills, olive trees, vines and close to the ocean, it activates and cultivates its unique environment with agricultural, ecological and artistic initiatives, creating an idyllic context.
In its commitment to the ecosystem of the place, it will also have a space for pernaculture and will work on the recovery of the native forest, combining it with a sculpture park. walden naturae is the new project by Ricardo Ocampo, director and founder of waldengallery. Its main objective is to integrate the gallery experience into the Garzón environment, through the constant dialogue between art and nature.
walden naturae Ricardo Ocampo Feris
At the same time, it encourages permanent exchange between artists of different generations, in addition to a large annual calendar of exhibitions. Next year a residency program for collectors and artists will be integrated.
01- Program / Marcia Schvartz Dec 28 – January 13
02- Program / Nicolás Guagnini January 15 – February 01
03- Program / Cristina Schiavi February 04 – February 28
04- Program / Oscar Bony March 12 – April 16
Calle De los Cerrillos and Pasaje del Faro
Garzón Town – CP 20498
Maldonado / Uruguay
Tel 091221977