Citric Art News
The acid touch that the solemn world of art desperately needs.

Azkuna Zentroa presents the exhibition Escala 1:1 by Ixone Sádaba
Azkuna Zentroa hosts ‘Escala 1:1’ by Ixone Sádaba, a photographic exploration of the Lemoiz nuclear power plant’s legacy.

Mariel Arias explores the destructive impact of poaching in her new body of work
Arias has interacted with shooting practitioners in specialized clubs and has closely observed the dynamics of these activities.

Photography of Mosques: capturing the architectural essence of Islam
Photographs of mosques capturing the architectural complexity of Islam, showcasing their beauty and unique details.

Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour
If you are traveling and you find yourself in a city while the Banff Mountain Film Festival is happening, don’t hesitate! Buy a ticket and enjoy the experience.
Science Gallery Atlanta will open the JUSTICE exhibition season, with a 9000-square foot exhibition at the historic Pullman Rail Yards.
The new National Museum in Oslo and becomes the largest cultural building in the Nordic region
The new National Museum in Oslo opens its doors to the public this Saturday, June 11, in what will be the largest cultural building in the Nordic region.
Photobook: Lifeguard Towes of Miami
In his photography series, Kwak captures each and every lifeguard tower of Miami that he has come across,
Andy Warhol’s Shot Sage Blue Marilyn sells for record-breaking USD195
Warhol’s portrait is also the most expensive piece from the 20th century to be purchased at auction, according to Christie’s auction house New York, where it was sold.
Qurable: Art, Fashion and Luxury in the Metaverse
The new crypto marketplace created in Argentina was officially launched to the world with an immersive experience at the Faena Art Center.

Special section for art travelers.